Fiscal Control
Treasury’s Fiscal Division administers the state’s constitutional and statutory funds created within the state treasury. Administration includes providing an account of all receipts and controlling fund disbursements out of the state treasury. This includes the accounting of investments made by Treasury and the investment income and cash management and banking services for all state agencies which deposit in Treasury. The Fiscal Division is also responsible for numerous disbursements to local governments per the constitution, statues, and annual appropriation bills. This includes, but is not limited to Hotel/Motel Sales Tax Funds, Parish Transportation Funds, Video Poker, Sports Wagering Local Allocations, Deputy Sheriff Supplemental Pay, Miscellaneous State Aid, Parish Royalty, Timber and General Severance, Two Percent Fire Allocations, and State Revenue Sharing. Treasury’s Fiscal Division also houses the Social Security Division for the State of Louisiana.
Lindsay Schexnayder, CPA
Assistant Director:
Banking Manager:
Fund Control Manager: